For more information about the listed parks, click on their link to be redirected to their official website. Information may include amenities, directions, hours or access, rules and regulations and contact.
Hiking & Walking Trails:
Beaver Creek Wetland Nature Reserve
Dayton-Xenia Road
C.I. Beaver Hall
Highmont Street
Cemex Reserve
Sanctuary Drive
Cinnamon Ridge Park
East Straight Arrow Drive **
Creekside Reserve
Parallel to Rt. 35 between Factory & N. Fairfield Road
Dominic Lofino Park
Grange Hall Road
Fox Run Park
Dayton-Xenia Road
Gerspacher Park
Madarin Lane
Glen Thompson Reserve
Trebein Road
Karohl Park
Hohl Road
Merrick Park
Creekside Drive **
Narrows Reserve
Indian Ripple Road
Russ Nature Reserve
Kemp Road
Tara Park
Millstone Drive **
Virgallito Park
Lantz Roa
** Indicates parks that are undeveloped with wood or field hiking available.